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The all-in-one caregiving app that delivers more care with less effort

My PowerPak is your all-in-one, truly free caregiving tool – no strings attached. Share your story, receive extraordinary support and transform every “how can I help?” into action.


Getting started with My PowerPak is easy

Explore how My PowerPak can help you rally your community, document your journey and coordinate support from those eager to help.


Less complexity = more support

The last thing anyone needs when life becomes unsettled is more complexity. With just a few taps or clicks you can easily manage your PowerPak page, update your community, schedule tasks and rally volunteers, allowing you to focus on what’s most important—giving or receiving support.


Connection is community

When uncertainty enters your life, the comfort that comes from being surrounded by the people who matter means everything. My PowerPak helps you create, grow and stay connected with your support community, keeping the people who care most informed and involved.


Stronger together

My PowerPak was inspired by the amazing care and support provided by a group of 10 friends who rallied together to ensure Jennifer Smith’s battle with breast cancer would not be a solo journey.


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By subscribing to our email newsletter, you can be among the first to receive My PowerPak news and information, as well as updates about products and services that may be of interest to you.