21 Drops


Hi, everyone, I’m Kavita Sahai, the woman behind the women of 21 Drops. 


For most of my life, I’ve had crazy good health but as more years went by...my brain didn’t feel the same.

By 2016, my mind was so foggy and disoriented, I felt like a zombie. I mean, a cool, hot, independent, woman zombie— but still a zombie. I refused to accept that as the new normal. When I went to doctors, they diagnosed me as an “overwhelmed mom.” I didn’t need a doctor's degree to know that being a mom is not an illness. So I diagnosed them as “the literal worst.” I ditched the doctors with no answers and started looking for experts in holistic fields. (Best. Decision. Ever.) 

I started using essential oils but they were worthless. Rubbing random oils into my temples or feet literally did nothing for me. Then I met a renowned aromatherapist with years of experience. She created blends that were safely diluted and mixed for specific ailments. Specific blends of oils for specific illnesses? Mind blown. Her blends really worked and the course of my life was never the same. 

She taught me about the importance of third-party testing (AKA tested by unbiased experts) and first press oils (AKA not watered down). After a few months of quality, oil treatment, my brain fog cleared. I was me again and I couldn’t wait to share the power that mother nature brings through uniquely formulated essential oil blends.

I brought what I learned to the world and 21 Drops grew into my full-time passion. After several years in business and reading hundreds of positive and heart-warming reviews – I know I am genuinely helping people feel happy and healthy.


Visit https://21drops.com/pages/our-story to learn more about our mission and the science and nature behind 21 drops.


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