Chemolicious - by Teri Mascotti


Chemolicious: Getting to Your Best Self is Teri's way of giving back by pulling others forward along with her. There are no pretty pink platitudes in here.


What you will read are Teri's stories of the good (''if you lose your hair in winter, you've got a ton of hat options''), the bad (''steroids make you puffy''), and the ugly (''they can tell you exactly when the vomiting will begin'') of dealing with breast cancer. All written with the wit and wisdom of a woman who has been in your shoes.

To help you along your path, Chemolicious includes frank discussions of:

  • What to eat for a faster recovery

  • The pros and cons of buying a wig

  • Why you need therapy--both physical and mental--if you want to survive

  • How to create a to-do list, so that you always have an answer when someone asks ''What can I help with?''

Excerpt from the book:

“When you can’t change the inevitable, how do you show up for life? I wanted to be Chemolicious – a name I made up to describe a state of mind and body that would set me in gear for the long ride. It was a start of a very important journey to health, awareness, and overall being. Mind, body, and spirit.”

About the Author:

Neither famous nor pedigreed, Teri is every woman who has stubbed her proverbial toe. A mom, a sister, a daughter, and a friend who has learned that life is a recurring sequence of picking yourself up and dusting yourself off. Her insatiable curiosity is what keeps her from settling for less and keeps her driving toward her dreams.

Teri is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she also resides, and thrives – chemoliciously!

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I See Me! Personalized Children’s Books


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