Happy Monday by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt


Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for the week ahead -  inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! What’s the why behind the Happy Monday tribe? Well, here’s Alyssa’s story!


For years, I’ve been building a “file” and it all started as a passion…

Since Junior High, I have read and filed messages and quotes designed to inspire an attitude and perspective worth being around. I wanted to intentionally show up well – to impact others in a positive, genuine and real way. These clippings were an inspiration and strong reminders that it was my choice to own how others experienced me.

Fast Forward…After college, I was thrilled to begin my first “real” job!

Early on, I noticed that many people would come to work on Monday mornings not wanting to be there. Since I was new to the “real job” experience, it disappointed me that some of the people I had to work with, and even report to, created this type of tone for our office.

Knowing this affected the energy of our culture, I wanted to create a solution. Instantly, the “file” I’d been building came to mind. My idea: each week take a message from the file, copy it, write “Happy Monday” on top and insert it into all of the mail slots. I did just that and my colleagues loved it!

As my life and career transitioned into new chapters, I took this passion with me and slowly expanded it by adding a few more colleagues, friends, and family to the outreach list. The impact it was making, in the lives of others, made me want to share the messages with more people, as well as create a consistent process and rhythm. Due to priority constraints, this idea just wasn’t coming together.

Fast Forward…In December of 2015, I was diagnosed with cancer.

Due to my treatment and surgery schedule, I found myself sitting on the sidelines of life a bit more than I wanted to be and I didn’t like it. I kept thinking, “I don’t want to be on this journey - I am not a sidelines girl - I have too many big dreams to accomplish yet, including the bold decision I had just made of launching my dream of running a speaking and coaching business.”  

This interruption of living on the sidelines was messing up the timing of my dream and goals and I was fighting it. Knowing this wasn’t a healthy mindset, I took a step back and asked myself: “What is the purpose of this pause?” Once I stopped fighting it, I was able to listen. Truly listen. Realizing this unexpected pause was not unexpected at all. It was intended to fulfill a bigger purpose. These two reasons become quite clear to me:

Shine! - It’s easy to be positive and uplifting when life is going well. Now that life was not going my way, at all, it was time for me to live out the reminders of my “file” and control the only thing I could: my thoughts and attitude.

Happy Monday! - To view this pause as a gift – a gift of time to organize my Happy Monday passion. To expand my list of people and create a process for getting the messages out more broadly and consistently.

With that clarity, I got to work and started making it happen!

Fast Forward…My “file” now has a name: Happy Monday Tribe!

My original passion of building a “file” of messages and quotes designed to influence my attitude and perspective, has transformed into a movement that inspires many to intentionally own their impact.  

My Part! - I’ll passionately design weekly messages that will shape your attitude, perspective and tone for the week ahead – inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth.

Your Part! - Put these thoughts into action. Intentionally choose to use your influence to make a positive difference. Create a ripple effect worth being around!

Visit https://www.bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get your weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


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