Happy Monday - April 2024


Are your thoughts and words aligned with your destiny and the gifts you’ve been entrusted with adding to this world?

If your answer is yes, that's great! But if not, you can start making changes today. You can choose your thoughts and control what you think about. Life will try to fill your mind with negative and draining thoughts, but you can learn to reject and replace them with positive, life-giving ones. Your thoughts are the seeds of your reality; they produce words essential in moving you toward what you want to see happen.

Why think and say something negative when you can think and say something positive, creative, and full of life? It makes no sense to pray for success in any area of your life and then speak about it as though it will never come to pass. Often, we pray for good things to happen but then talk about our fears that they never will. This mindset habit will not produce healthy momentum. Instead, intentionally build a successful image inside yourself by thinking thoughts that will help you – speaking words that will advance you. Visualize where you plan to be, and spend time with people who will encourage this growth. Make it a priority to surround yourself with selflessly significant people because successful people are not always significant, but significant people are always successful. 

Intentionally Own It: Exercise your faith, not fear. Daily, focus on habits that exercise your faith and empower you to be a fountain of positivity, not a drain.

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - May 2024


Happy Monday - March 2024