Happy Monday - February 2022


You were created on purpose and for a purpose.

You’ve been called, positioned, and equipped! There is a realm of influence - a group of people - that only you can inspire, encourage and lead. There’s a plan only you can complete. That’s how valuable you are!

Look around. Who are the people you come into contact with every day - you are in the lives of those people, on purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as taking time to invest in the everyday lives of the people around you. It’s finding a way to turn a normal, inconsequential moment into an opportunity to share love, encouragement and hope.

As we look up and listen, we find more and more opportunities to reach and impact the people around us. Let’s continually allow our light to shine through us, in us, and on us to change our world!

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

- Gandhi

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


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