Happy Monday - June 2022


Life’s most persistent and important question is, “what are you doing for others?”

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

Just imagine how different the world would be if everyone would do one kind thing for someone every day. The results would be astonishing. You might be tempted to say, “That will never happen so why even try?” Don’t let yourself be defeated through negative thinking before you even begin. Rather, decide that you’re going to do your part and encourage other people to do theirs.

I have a handful of friends who flow in this amazing lifestyle and they inspire me to take a lead role in loving others - selflessly - in practical and intentional ways.

Let me share a quick story…

The other day I was thinking about the topic of others and why it matters to me.

What I realized is that it’s always mattered yet my journey through cancer left me with a deeper sense of gratitude and awareness to love, lift, encourage and notice others. That conviction fuels my passion to live with my eyes and heart wide open. Although my daily to-do list and schedule tugs at my attention, I don’t allow it to take priority over the people that I’ve been entrusted to notice. I refuse to walk past my small every day assignments because I’m distracted or consumed.

Together, let’s use our lives to love out loud – one simple, practical, and intentional gesture at a time!

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - July 2022


Happy Monday - May 2022