Happy Monday - March 2023


“We choose what attitudes we have right now, and it’s a continuing choice.” 

– John Maxwell

No area is tested more in your life than attitude. Your attitude colors every aspect of life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors, creating a masterpiece – a picture that is attractive to others. Or, it can make everything dark and dreary – something unattractive.

Your attitude is a habit. Each time you choose to be negative, it becomes easier to make that same choice again, again, and again. With each choice, you move closer to becoming a person who either contributes to or diminishes the lives of others. If you look at the lives of people who have achieved success, you find they possess a positive outlook on life—their mental paintbrush colors life with brightness and vibrancy. 

Life is a canvas you paint on. Your attitude is the paintbrush. You get to choose the colors. Just as you would choose the colors for your picture, you get to select the painting of your attitude for others to see. You can be known as the “attitude artist” that attracts people to see the masterpieces of life. Your attitude is the difference maker.

Since attitude is a difference maker in your life, it is essential. The good news is that you get to choose your attitude! Something so vital to your success is a choice that you can make. You can’t control many circumstances, but you can manage your response. When you choose to have a good attitude during a bad time, you are now taking control of your life instead of letting life control you. A good attitude helps you develop a positive life outlook.

Living with a positive outlook is a consistent attitude that influences our behavior. Here's what it looks like:

  • Life is filled with good and bad. 

  • Some of the good and some of the bad I can’t control…that’s life. 

  • Some of the good and bad will find me. 

  • If I have a positive life outlook, the good and bad will improve.

  • If I have a negative life outlook, the good and bad will worsen.

  • Therefore, I choose to have a positive life outlook.

Power Statement: Today – and every day – I will choose to slow down and look at life with a positive filter. 

Reflection: What will the focus of my attitude be? How will this choice positively affect me and others?

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - April 2023


Happy Monday - February 2023