Happy Monday - March 2025


“Intentional living is the deliberate effort to live with direction and meaning. It means making choices about how we use our time, energy, talents, and money. Living with intention creates a life of fulfillment.”

– John Maxwell

During a morning run, I was praying and asking God for a single word that would shape my life. By the end of my run, “intentionality” was vividly etched in my heart. This experience occurred over a decade ago, yet the clarity I felt at that moment remains fresh in my memory as if it were yesterday. I can still recall the homes I passed, the side of the street I was on, and the weather conditions. It became clear to me that I needed to focus on the most important aspects of my life, and by doing so, I would be guided toward creating a life of fulfillment.

Living with intentionality brings clarity, confidence, and consistency to our lives, and as I’ve embraced this lifestyle, I’ve found these three words threaded throughout my journey.

No. Be. Do. Let me explain.

No. For a portion of my life, I lived overextended and highly “involved.” During that timeframe, I recall a speaker sharing, “I am here to tell you that you don’t have to make everything happen in the same season of life. It doesn't work.” Her perspective and God’s discernment guided me to see “no” as a healthy word. Learning to prioritize my “yeses” and “noes” allowed me to live fully present. I also learned that when I needed to say no, I didn’t have to overexplain my decision; I got to honor what I knew was best for me and those involved with me. 

Be. One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and others is to decide in advance who we will “be.” I have found that when I intentionally visualize my attitude ahead of time, I am empowered to “be” that style because I want to; it’s a personal commitment that matters to me. Doing so has also taught me that when I fail to “be” that person of influence, I forgive myself right away and take action to own my part in any growth that is mine to embrace humbly. 

Do. The hallmark of intentionality is aligned with the word “do.” Intentionality syncs our heads, hearts, and hands to act as one, inspiring our commitment to add value to everything we “do” and everyone we meet. I have found that intentional people are lifters of people because they recognize that people will grow into the conversations we create around them. This makes intentional leaders fountains, not drains, in the lives of others. 

Intentionally Own It: This is your year, moment, and time to start living with greater intention in the areas of your life that matter most to you.

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - February 2025