Happy Monday - November 2024


Passion = Potential

The world needs who you were made to be.

Experts spend a lot of time figuring out what makes people successful. More than anything else, passion is what makes the difference. As Dave Ramsey shared, “Be the person who sets the tone. When you’re passionate about what you do, it’s contagious. People love being around people who love what they do. Find your gift. Find your joy, pour gas on it, and light it!”

Passion is not just a step but a transformative leap towards achievement. It is the irreplaceable fuel for the will, capable of changing you from within. You inevitably become a more dedicated, productive person when you follow your passion. Impossibilities cease to exist when your soul is ignited with passion. How? Focus is the key. Concentrate on one main goal, for nobody ever reaches their potential by scattering themselves in twenty directions and reaching your potential demands unwavering focus.

When we’re young, people talk a lot about our potential. But as we grow older, we lose this “potential” mindset. No one encourages us to keep developing. Here's a revelation: your potential is still intact and waiting to be realized. Potential is the bridge between what is and what could be—the unexposed ability, reserved strength, dormant gifts, hidden talents, and latent power within each of us.

When you live in a place of passion, your days will blossom with possibility. You’ll be enabled to do what you never thought you could, and you’ll inspire those around you to join you on the journey, filling your life with joy and fulfillment.

Intentionally Own It: There’s a wealth of untapped potential within you, ready to be developed and expanded. The things we are passionate about are our calling. What is that for you, and how can you pour gas on it and light it?

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


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Happy Monday - October 2024