Happy Monday - October 2023


“All possibilities are on the other side of forgiveness.”

- John Maxwell

John Maxwell spoke these words; I was nudged to design them into this week’s Happy Monday message…

Choose to allow forgiveness to make a beautiful mosaic of your life. Everyone needs forgiveness. Our humanity causes us not always to do the right thing. All of us, at some point, have wronged others. That action separates and damages the relationship. It causes brokenness between ourselves and others.

Forgiveness is like a mosaic. The mosaic comprises small, usually colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass, or tile. The small broken pieces are put together to display a fragile, beautiful picture for others to see. That is a picture of forgiveness. Forgiveness takes the brokenness of our lives and allows us to choose to create something of beauty from it.

You must clearly understand forgiveness to make a beautiful mosaic of your life. Forgiveness is choosing not to hold something against another person despite what they have done to you.

Forgiveness is not…Approving of what they did. Denying what has been done. Waiting for an apology. Forgetting. Ceasing to feel the pain. A one-time event. A matter of trust. Forgiveness is not reconciliation. Just because you have forgiven someone, it does not always bring closeness or compatibility. Forgiveness is the choice of one person. Reconciliation is the choice of two.

Forgiveness is a process. Without forgiveness, you remain broken, detached, and jagged. With forgiveness, you become an image of beauty within brokenness, inclusion, and peace. Only by choosing to forgive can we heal. Living a life of forgiveness is to live a life of freedom. Forgiveness is about letting go so you can go forward with your life.

Benefits of forgiveness:

  • You will improve your psychological well-being.

  • You will feel a sense of peace as you let go of pain and anger.

  • You will see yourself and others with greater clarity.

  • You will be able to treat others better than they treat you.

  • You will be able to live a life without unfinished business.

  • You will be able to ask for forgiveness from others.

Intentionally Own It Reflection: When I reflect on the words of this message, what’s a meaningful step forward for me to take? What value will this choice bring to my life and others when I do?

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - November 2023


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