Setting Up A PowerPak Page


Learn how to create a PowerPak Page for yourself and someone else.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The true heart and soul of My PowerPak are PowerPak Pages, which users create for themselves or a loved one facing hardship. PowerPak Pages bring the caregivers (Guardians), care-receivers (Champions) and Supporters together in a central place where all of the interaction and support happens.

    Users can invite friends, family members and loved ones to join a PowerPak Page via text, social media, email, etc. using a sharable link. Each PowerPak Page contains a journal, calendar, chat and wishlist that is unique to that page, and any user can create or be a member of multiple PowerPak Pages simultaneously.

  • Champions

    “Champions” are the individuals that receive care or support on our platform. A Champion role is established automatically as part of the PowerPak Page creation process based on the option selected for who the page is for. If a user chooses to create a PowerPak Page for themself, they become the Champion for that page by default. If a user chooses to create a PowerPak Page for someone else, they become the Founding Guardian (see below) by default and the person they created the page for becomes the Champion.


    “Guardians” are key individuals that help the Champion manage their PowerPak Page, or manage a PowerPak Page on a Champion’s behalf and there are 2 types of Guardian roles established within a PowerPak Page. “Founding Guardians” are users that create a PowerPak Page on behalf of someone else and become the Founding Guardian for that PowerPak Page by default. “Invited Guardians” are users who help the Champion and/or Founding Guardian manage their PowerPak Page. While the “Invited” designation doesn’t appear anywhere in the My PowerPak app, these Guardian roles are assigned manually to PowerPak Page members by the Champion and/or Founding Guardian.


    “Supporters” are the individuals who provide support for the Champion through activity on their PowerPak Page. While Supporters have no administrative control within a PowerPak Page, they do have the ability to view, interact with and post content within a PowerPak Page (where the Champion or Guardian(s) have allowed them to do so).

    Inner Circle

    “Inner Circle” is a designation given to specific members of a PowerPak Page. This designation qualifies them to be selected for access to exclusive content created within a page. Champions and Guardians receive this label by default and can choose which Supporters receive this designation within a PowerPak Page that they manage.

  • The privacy of the PowerPak Page is managed at the invitation settings level. Only Champions and Guardians have the ability to change the privacy setting for a PowerPak Page invitation link. The options for the invitation link are defined as follows:


    This is the default privacy setting for the PowerPak Page invitation link. With this option selected, a Champion or Guardian must review and approve all My PowerPak users that use this link to join the PowerPak Page.


    With this option selected, any My PowerPak user that interacts with this link will join the PowerPak Page automatically as a Supporter. Members and roles for a PowerPak Page can be managed by a Champion or Guardian at any time by navigating to the “Pak” tab within a PowerPak Page that they manage.

  • Because of our commitment to the privacy of our users, PowerPak pages are invite-only. There is no search functionality within the platform, so the only way to join or request to join a PowerPak page is via an invitation link that has been shared by an existing member of that page. When you click or tap on an invitation link that has been shared, you will experience one of the following scenarios:

    An existing user joining a public PowerPak page

    If you already have a My PowerPak account and the invitation link you are accessing is for a PowerPak page set to “Public”, you will immediately have access to the page once you click or tap the link (login required).

    Once you have joined a page, it can be accessed anytime from the Pages tab of the platform – you do not need to use the invitation link for that page again.

    An existing user joining a private PowerPak page

    If you already have a My PowerPak account and the invitation link you are accessing is for a PowerPak page set to “Private”, you will receive a notification that your membership for that page is pending approval. The page will appear in your list of pages, but it will not be accessible until an admin for the page approves your membership. You will receive a notification when your membership is approved and you have access.

    Once your membership for a page is approved, that page can be accessed anytime from the Pages tab of the platform – you do not need to use the invitation link for that page again.

    A new user joining a public PowerPak page

    If you do not have a My PowerPak account, clicking on an invitation link will prompt you to sign up for an account. Once you complete the registration process, relocate the invitation link and click or tap it. You will then immediately have access to the PowerPak page.

    Once you have joined a page, it can be accessed anytime from the Pages tab of the platform – you do not need to use the invitation link for that page again.

    A new user joining a private PowerPak page

    If you do not have a My PowerPak account, clicking on an invitation link will prompt you to sign up for an account. Once you complete the registration process, relocate the invitation link and click or tap it – you will receive a notification that your membership for that page is pending approval. The page will appear in your list of pages, but it will not be accessible until an admin for the page approves your membership. You will receive a notification when your membership is approved and you have access.

    Once your membership for a page is approved, that page can be accessed anytime from the Pages tab of the platform – you do not need to use the invitation link for that page again.

  • When a PowerPak Page is created using the “For Someone Else” option, the creator of that page is asked to provide some basic information for that person which includes an email address. The email address provided during the page creation process is how My PowerPak links a user with the Champion role of a specific PowerPak page.

    After you create a PowerPak Page for someone else you will notice that there is a default icon next to the Champion’s name when you first view the member list under the “Pak” tab of the page. Before an existing My PowerPak user can be linked to the Champion role they must first be sent an invitation link to join that page.

    If the invitation link is “Public”, that user will automatically be assigned the Champion role for the page as long as the email address that user created their personal account with is the same as the email address that was entered for the Champion during the PowerPak Page creation process.

    If the invitation link is “Private”, that user will need to be promoted to the Champion role manually by a Guardian (admin) of that page. This can be done when reviewing or managing users under the “Pak” tab of a page.

  • If you are interested in creating a PowerPak Page for someone else, you must provide an email address for them that is different from the one that you personally use to access your own My PowerPak account. In the event that the person you you would like to create a PowerPak Page for is too young or does not have their own email address, there are a couple different ways to satisfy the email requirement:

    Provide an alternative personal email address

    In the event that you have multiple personal email addresses, you can consider using one of the alternatives when creating a page for your child.

    Provide an alias email address

    You may also be able to create an alias or variation of your own email address (check with your provider), which will appear different, but email will still be delivered to your own inbox. An example is is your address, and the alias is Both addresses will be delivered to the same inbox, and the alias will work as a unique identifier for your child’s My PowerPak account.

Find more FAQ content here.


Using The Journal


Registering For An Account