Happy Monday - August 2023


Do you believe you have value? Are you optimistic about who you are and where you’re going with your life?

I’ve been thinking lately about self-image because I see people with incredible potential destroying their chances at doing something great because they look in the mirror and dislike what they see. They don’t value themselves as they are, so they cannot become who they want to be.

  • Your Self-Image (subconscious picture of yourself) determines…

  • Your Performance (how you behave or perform) which stimulates…

  • Your Self-Talk (what you say to yourself about your performance), which forms and reinforces…

  • Your Self-Image (your I AM).

We never outperform our self-image, which leads me to share a few suggestions for enhancing it:

Uplift your self-talk. Tell yourself who you are, not who you aren’t.

Remove comparisons. You are your own unique brand of brilliance. Know it. Own it. Live it.

Live with intention by embracing the daily discipline of the 7B’s:

  • Be: What will the focus of my attitude be?

  • Best: What does my best look like?

  • Believe: What do I believe is possible about this day?

  • Become: How am I growing forward?

  • Blessed: What are my blessings?

  • Bless: Whom will I bless?

  • Bonus! What’s one uplifting statement I will routinely say to myself and believe?

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - September 2023


Happy Monday - July 2023