Happy Monday - July 2023


The secret to a good life may be as simple as one word: Happiness.

Happiness is a habit. Happiness is the natural outcome of being aligned with our true self, which is experienced when we are fully present. The key to happiness is being aware of what is happening in every moment rather than being absorbed in thoughts about the past, the future, your life, other people, and the many other thoughts we tend to get lost in, which don't add to our life or enhance our experience - happiness is in our control since where we focus our attention is in our control.

Notice what keeps you from enjoying whatever you are doing. It's your thoughts. We push ourselves out of peace when we let our minds wander and overthink. Choose to discipline your mind to lead you to peace. Let yourself live in the now; when you do, you experience a deep sense of joy and peace. And peace proceeds joy. Know that the mind leads the body, not the other way around. Grasp this truth daily and guide yourself to “be where your feet are - trusting where your feet are.”

Intentionally Own It Reflection: What brings me toward living day-tight and trusting the power of now? When I discipline my thoughts to live in this space, what value will this commitment bring to my life and others?

Happy Monday was designed by Alyssa Kreutzfeldt to intentionally shape your attitude, perspective, and tone for whatever lies ahead - inspiring you to intentionally own your impact and personal growth! Visit bar33leadership.com/happy-monday to get a weekly dose of messages and quotes that can help influence your attitude and perspective.


Happy Monday - August 2023


Happy Monday - June 2023