Words of Comfort: 10 Quotes to Inspire and Uplift Caregivers
Finding moments of peace and comfort while managing the responsibilities of caring for a loved one can make a profound difference. Here are 10 uplifting quotes to remind caregivers of the positive impact they bring to the lives of those they care for.
Work-Life Balance for Working Caregivers
Change is an inevitable part of life. In fact, change is what shapes us as people. Society, however, often lags behind the pace of change and is constantly playing catch-up. This is where we find the current state of the working caregiver. The role of working caregivers is increasing within our society, yet companies are still working on how best to tackle this changing landscape.
The Power of Gratitude in Caregiving
Gratitude can play a significant role in one’s life when adversity arises unexpectedly. Caregivers, care recipients and the people who make up their support systems, can reduce stress, alter their mindsets, and improve relationships with thankfulness.
Giving Support Without Being Asked (and Asking For The Support You Need)
Showing up for a loved one during an untimely event is often a reflexive act. Yet, too often, the loved one’s specific needs either go unvoiced or get lost in translation. The good news is the barriers to delivering rockstar-level care can be avoided by simply learning how to provide support without having to ask, “How can I help?”
Status Update: Caring for a Loved One
Our unique relationships define how we provide care to those in our lives. Despite the nuances that come with each unique relationship, the overarching goal when caring for a loved one is always the same: provide the best possible care for those we hold dear.
eCare – Technology and its Evolving Role in Caregiving
When it comes to choosing tech solutions, each caregiver has their own unique set of needs and requirements. Happily, now more than ever, digital offerings can provide better ways to solve everyday tasks and relieve stress for both caregivers and care receivers.