Happy Monday - September 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for September 2022. Inspired people believe they are here for a purpose and understand why it matters.
Happy Monday - August 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for August 2022. Nothing has such a positive impact on a person as giving to others.
Happy Monday - July 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for July 2022. If you become a major nurturer in the life of another person, then you have an opportunity to make a major impact on them.
Happy Monday - June 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for June 2022. Just imagine how different the world would be if everyone would do one kind thing for someone every day.
Happy Monday - May 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for May 2022. When we choose to make today count, it makes a huge difference in preparing us for our future.
Happy Monday - April 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for April 2022. How we choose to show up matters.
Press: App Aims to Streamline Caregiving for Sick Friends
Leave it to a group of busy professional women to rally around a sick friend by offering meals, dog walking, rides to chemo, and any other chore they could outsource while she recovered from breast cancer treatment. The friends coordinated their efforts via text, but Krista O’Malley thought there had to be a better way.
Happy Monday - March 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for March 2022. Every person on this planet has a story to tell, something that makes them unique.
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Work-Life Balance for Working Caregivers
Change is an inevitable part of life. In fact, change is what shapes us as people. Society, however, often lags behind the pace of change and is constantly playing catch-up. This is where we find the current state of the working caregiver. The role of working caregivers is increasing within our society, yet companies are still working on how best to tackle this changing landscape.
Happy Monday - February 2022
Your monthly dose of good vibes for February 2022. Making a difference can be as simple as taking time to invest in the everyday lives of the people around you.
The Power of Gratitude in Caregiving
Gratitude can play a significant role in one’s life when adversity arises unexpectedly. Caregivers, care recipients and the people who make up their support systems, can reduce stress, alter their mindsets, and improve relationships with thankfulness.
Navigating The Marketplace
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